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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Year Group Transition


Some pupilsfind the transition between year groups very stressful and the thought of leaving their classroom and suppoeting adults can result in raised anxiety levels. At Warden House we emsure that all information about pupils previous support and background is known to the next members of staff and the appropraite support is in place ready for their new year group. As your child matures through the education system you will see that their provision will change in-line with their current presentation so the support from one year to the next might be different. Pupils who are identified as vulnerable will have additional time with their new adults and in the classroom, and an information booklet will be provided to the family so you can read this with your child over the Summer Holidays and help to prepare them for the transition in September. Pupils voice is passed to the next Class Teacher by Pupil Passports (please see relevant section).


Warden House has very close links with all nurseries within the locality and comprehensive support for transition is in place for all of our pre-school pupils. If your child is identified as requring support with transition and/or thier additional needs we will offer additional visits and will attend meetings with the pre-school setting, yourselves and any outside agencies involved. When you are looking at selecting a primary school place for your child and you have concerns about pre-existing conditions or feel that additional support will need to be either continued or out in place, please contact the SENCo who will arrange a meeting to discuss this in more detail.


All pupils partake in a thorough transition to secondary school within class time, through discussion and visits.  The Class Teachers and SENCO, where necessary, will talk to the adults who will support your child in the Secondary School Placement and all paperwork will be provided and, where required, parents attend these transition meetings.

Some pupils who are highlighted as potentially being vulnerable with the transition to secondary school are invited SNAP Project (Secondary Not a Problem) which consists of 3 afternoons plus whole day transition.

In addition the SENCO and Class teacher from Warden House will continue to liaise and support the Secondary School setting. If, when your child has left, their new school have concerns we will advise further.

Warden House runs a bespoke transition package for our highest need pupils, and is tailored individually to suit pupils, and the transition setting.  This package could include: additional visits inside and outside of school hours, visual photos of the new school setting, teachers, etc. Support with transport e.g. a member of our school completing the journey with pupils prior to transition to ensure security, buddying/mentor programmes, and supporting the secondary placement with the knowledge of work completed and advice of further support to be given.