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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our school curriculum

Our school curriculum is broad and balanced and provides our children with an exciting and varied diet of skills and knowledge. Our experienced staff ensure children’s lessons are engaging and memorable and fulfil our mission statement of providing "irresistible learning for all".

Children are taught all subjects from the national curriculum in each year group and carefully build on the knowledge, skills and understanding taught year-on-year as they move through the school.

How do we make learning "irresistible" at Warden House?

Teachers seek to make learning irresistible in a variety of ways. Subjects are often taught discretly but also draw on other areas of the curriculum as appropriate to enhance the overall experience. For example, history-led topics may often draw in elements of other subjects such as art, drama or DT as appropriate.

When planning sequences of learning, teachers always consider how to "hook" pupils into the topic. Topics titles are created in interesting and imaginative ways in order to spark pupils' interest and an initial activity is always planned to grab their attention. This is all part of a carefully planned process to help learning "stick".


What is experiential learning?

We plan for learning to be 'experiential' wherever possible. This means that we believe that children learn best when they really experience the topics that they are learning about in a first-hand way. Teachers are expert in planning trips and visits to enhance pupils' experiences. They also draw on links from the local community, inviting visitors into school to share their expertise. 

How to find out more:

Should you wish to find out more about any area of our curriculum, please visit the relevant pages on our website or contact the school office who will be able to direct your enquiry to the correct member of staff.