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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School



Reading is a key skill that is essential for being able to get on in life. As a child grows up, being able to read well not only enables them to discover new facts and to learn, but also opens them up to a whole world of new ideas, stories and opportunities. 

To ensure your child has the strongest opportunities for the future, all children are introduced to early reading and writing skills.  Reading skills are supported by a phonics program called ‘Letters and Sounds’; this enables your child to develop a strong understanding of phonics and, as a result, become a competent reader, speller and writer. 

Your child is also encouraged to develop a love of reading by having access to a wide range of stories, poems and non-fiction books in our extensive library. We carefully select appropriately challenging texts for whole class readers across the school to inspire our English curriculum. These provide rich language opportunities for children to discuss and explore. High quality texts are used in all areas of the curriculum to help teach specific topics. 

There are several key areas that children need to master to become confident readers. 

1) Phonics – which gives children the ability to decode words. 

2) Vocabulary – which helps understanding. 

3) Comprehension – the understanding of what has been read. 

4) Fluency – acts as a bridge between phonics and comprehension. 

Our Reading Curriculum: