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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Family Resources

Our Family Liaison Officer Mrs Brady has put together some fantastic wellbeing ideas, activities and resources that families can access and use whilst working from home:

Coronavirus Mental Health and Anxiety Toolkit

Whether you’re a teacher, a parent or carer or a child, it’s understandable to be feeling more anxious at present. For many of us, we’re dealing with uncertainty, new boundaries between the workplace and home life, and restricted physical freedom. While we cannot control these external factors that might be affecting how we’re feeling, we can control how we respond to them and learn methods to cope with difficult emotions, such as anxiety, that may arise.

Click here to access the toolkit:

This coronavirus toolkit, provides parents and carers with a range of resources that might help address some of the anxiety that you, or your children, may be feeling. 

In this toolkit, you will find lots of practical activities for children and families, which are both active and craft-based, to reduce anxiety and improve wellbeing, such as breathing exercises, a relaxation story and a complete self-care kit.  

There is also a six week ‘Wellbeing Through Sport’ programme to do at home and three worksheets to help children with emotional expression and regulation.

They have also included several resources that clearly present strategies and tips to reduce anxiety for both adults and children. Some of the resources for children can also be used by adults, such as the self-care resources and the breathing techniques, which are effective regardless of age.

We hope that you will find some resources in this toolkit that work for the children you care for or teach, and for yourself. If you find this toolkit useful, please share it with your personal and professional networks.

Take care and remember to breathe deeply.

Wellbeing Menu

Click on the image below to access a great file with a selection of wellbeing ideas for all the family.

Mental Health Support

In this time of lockdown, looking after our mental health is even more important than ever. Visit for a range of advice and free resources for supporting the mental wellbeing of all the family.

Soda Bread

This recipe is a really easy and quick – the bread is ready in under an hour.

Prep – 10 mins

Cooking time – 40/45 mins


This recipe uses cup measurements – any medium sized cup will do:



 2 Cups of Strong White Flour (or any you have)

1 Cup of Brown Flour (if you only have white just use all white that’s fine)

1 tsp of Bicarbonate of Soda

½ tsp of Salt

1 Cup of any plain yogurt (as long as it has no fruit in it)

½ Cup of milk

1 tbsp of oil



Put all the dry ingredients in a big enough bowl.

Mix them all together bicarbonate of soda can clump together.

Add all the wet ingredients. With a big spoon mix it all together until it becomes combined into a dough. Keep going until all of it is combined. Add extra milk if needed. Should become a wettish sticky dough. Add some flour to your work surface and your hands.Gather up all the dough – shape into a round loaf shape. Cut a cross on top. Place on a floured baking tray.

Cook at 200 /180 Degrees or gas Mark 6 for 40/45 mins

If unsure it is cooked take it out and put a fork in it – if it is cooked the fork will be clean.

Let it cool and Enjoy – will keep but loses its crust after the first day.

 Art for All the Family and Community

Some fun Arty designs that can be used by the children.

Any leaves that have fallen in the garden or out on your one walk a day can be used – to create these ……

Have fun you can string/sellotape them along your windows and cheer all the neighbours up xx

Use any paints, nail varnish (if Mum says you can) felt tips etc to create these.

Tomato Soup



2 or 3 Cans of tomatoes or Passata

2  Diced Onions and any Vegetables you have.

2 Cloves of Garlic or 1 tsp of Garlic Powder

1 tsp of any dried herbs you have.

1 Chicken Stock Cube

1 tbsp of Sugar

1 Cup of Chicken stock

½ Cup of Cream (optional)

Grated cheese (optional) to put on top once finished.

1 tbsp oil




Put all the vegetables which are finely diced into a large saucepan with the oil and with a lid. Let these sweat on a low heat for 15 mins. Keep an eye on them. Once they are softened, then add all the other ingredients apart from the cream.

Let this cook on a low heat for 30 minutes. If you can blend it – if not it will be a more chunky soup. Add the cream once cooked.

Add grated cheese and Enjoy.