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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Autumn Bird Watch

The school have been visited by Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust this term. 

Our KS2 classes enjoyed meeting Sharon Irvine who came into talk to us about the work of the Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust.

The children learnt all about some of the common birds found in our area as well as some of the rarer types.

They have also been invited to take part in a special sponsored bird watch during half term. Click here to view a leaflet about this project and click here for the sponsor form.

Use the ID sheet sent to you or these web sites search for: Identify A Bird search for: Bird Watching search for: How To Identify Birds search for: Guide to the UK’s Top 10 Garden Birds

We would like to use the survey as an opportunity to support mathematics and science across the school and would love to gather data to support further work in school. If you would like to take part in the survey with the school please enter your data using this form: 

Bird Survey Form