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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Reading for Enjoyment

At Warden House, we love reading! We are extremely lucky to have a super library. It is well stocked and constantly updated with the latest releases. Ms. Burnley oversees the library and can often be found running lunch time reading clubs and recommending good reads to our pupils. 

There are some amazing books in our library and our children have a fantastic choice; staff are always happy to recommend books which will offer challenge and enjoyment; however, these posters from Book for Topics offer super year group recommendations with the majority of these books being available in our library (and if we’ve missed one, the children can always ask Mrs Tribe who will put the book on the shopping list!). 


Book recommendations

Branching out suggestions

There are also branching out posters to encourage children to broaden their reading choices by recommending books which are along the same theme of current favourites. For example, if you like Michael Morpurgo, there is a whole tree of similar books. 

Audio stories

Listening to stories can be equally enjoyable as reading them. It can also give children access to some great stories even if they are not quite ready to access the text independently! Please click here to watch some videos of our staff sharing some stories. Enjoy!