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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Online Safety

Children at Warden House use the internet regularly to support their learning and have regular E-safety lessons teaching them how to be safe online. 

We have been sharing some important online-safety messages throughout the school.

Many parents that we speak to are increasingly concerned about the apps that their children are using at home. We recommend the website "National Online Safety" as a starting point for a range of useful information for parents. The website contains useful guides (such as the one below) on familiar and not so familiar apps, from Facebook and Youtube to Tik Tok, Kik to Houseparty.

Top Tips for Online Learning

These guides from the National Online Safety website contain some great tips for online learning.


It has come to our attention that there is a viral video circulating on TikTok that contains particularly extreme and graphic content. As with any online platform, we encourage parents to check their child's use and safety settings to ensure risk of exposure to unwanted content is minimised.

Please see the guide, in the file section below, for further advice on TikTok.



If you ever have concerns about Internet Safety please come into school to speak to a member of staff or click on the CEOP button at the bottom of the page to report an incident.

At home, children often have more ways than ever to access the Internet and get online.  These include, games consoles, tablets, smartphones, ipod touches as well as laptops and home pcs.   It is vitally important that we work together in keeping our children as safe as possible when online.

The school has a range of devices with Internet access to help our learning.  These rules will keep everyone safe and help us be fair to others.

  • I will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet;
  • I will not go online unless a member of staff is in the room;
  • I will not access other people's files;
  • I will use the computers only for school work and homework;
  • I will not bring USB / memory devices into school unless I have permission;
  • I will only E-mail or message people I know, or my teacher has approved;
  • The messages I send will be polite and sensible;
  • I will not give my home address or phone number, or arrange to meet someone, unless my parent, carer or teacher has given permission;
  • To help protect other pupils and myself, I will tell a teacher if I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like;
  • I understand that the school may check my computer files and will monitor the Internet sites I visit.
  • I will not use email, instant messaging programs or social networking sites unless directly instructed to do so by a teacher.
  • I will not download or install programs, apps or software onto any computer that I am using.

 Explore the links below to get advice on how to help your child stay safe online.