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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

SEN Provision

Provision and support for pupils at Warden House is tailored specifically to ensure that pupils needs are met on an individual basis and support is targeted clearly.  Pupils are set targets that whilst challenging, are also achievable and measurable.  Work is designed and differentiated carefully to ensure that pupils can work towards achieving these targets using the best resources and incorporating the learning style that suits them best.

Much of the support given, is done within class or a small group and fully includes all children in learning and whole class activities.  Provision is sensitively managed and considered, to ensure pupils well-being and inclusion at all times.  However some provision requires 1:1 work to ensure full engagement and management of the provision – for example speech and language work.

Examples of additional provision that might be seen at Warden House:

  • Language support in small groups
  • Over learning of key skills (e.g. phonics)
  • FIZZY (Gross Motor skill development)
  • Dyslexia Support (visual perceptual skills)
  • Touch Typing
  • Targeted maths support
  • Sensory Circuits

Examples of practical resources that might be seen at Warden House:

  • Visual support in class (e.g. visual timetables, writing frames)
  • Alternative recording methods (lap tops)
  • Support for memory skills (voice recorders)
  • Seating aids (cushions)
  • Writing supports (desk slopes, pencil grips)
  • Clicker 6 computer based typing programme
  • Language through Colour

Pupils who access taught provision and/or practical resources may not necessarily be identified as having SEN