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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Personalised Plans & Pupil Passports

All pupils entered on the SEN register will have a Personalised plan that details all the provision your child will receive in order to meet their end of key stage Outcomes.  These will be reviewed 3 times a year. 2x at extended parents evenings and an additional meeting in Term 6. If your child has an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and /or High Needs Funding (HNF) these reviews will be with the SENCO and your child's Class Teacher. For a pupil with an EHCP one of these meetings will be held as an Annual Review.

At Warden House we understand that children’s learning changes frequently and consequently the provision will need to change in order to best meet their needs at this specific time.  Personalised Plans are working documents and subject to updates as and when necessary. You will receive a copy of your child's updated plan 3x year once the meetings and updates have been completed.

(Please note: if you child has a current EHCP they will have a Provision Plan)

Pupil Passports ensure that pupil views are collated and a holistic understanding of your child’s learning needs along with their achievements, aspirations and important information to them are recorded.  An adult who works closely with your child, will help them fill the passport in and it will be discussed with you at  the parent's meeting in Term 6. 

These informal records ensure that your child has a chance to understand how important their views are and how this additional information can help adults support them further. They are updated 1 x a year and annotated if necessary.