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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Is Provision Working?

All targets set within taught provision are limited by a time frame of 6 weeks (or termly).  Class Teachers have the responsibility to ensure that the provision is set, appropriate for the pupils and for monitoring of the outcomes.  At the end of each term the provision is assessed and this data is given to the SENCO who monitors the effectiveness of the provision.  If the expected progress is not evidenced, the support is reviewed, altered as required or changed. 


Evidence of the support a pupil has received is logged via our provision maps on a termly cycle, and these are used should a referral be required for further support.  If the provision has been set by an Outside Agency and targets given to the school to work on and monitored using an Individual Education Plan (IEP), they have joint responsibility for checking on progress and reviewing provision, this is done within their review cycle, however the provision is continuously monitored within school and we will call for earlier review and support should we feel that there are concerns regarding the provision set.


Children on the SEN register will have a Personalised Plan that details their Key Stage Outcomes and the support in place to achieve them.


See pupil centred approach