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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

How are Pupils with SEN Included in All School Activities?

All pupils are fully included within all activities throughout the day and after school.  At some points in the day your child may receive group support or individual work, and this is monitored closely.  Every lesson and activity (e.g. PE) can be differentiated to support all pupils in a variety of ways from equipment to sensitive use of adult support when and where necessary.

Learning needs or physical difficulties are never an obstacle to a pupils attendance at additional activities and all adjustments will be made to ensure that all school activities are fully inclusive.

This is highlighted in the school’s Accessibility Policy, which supported by the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) as amended by the SENDA (2001).

‘From September 2002, it will be unlawful for schools and LEAs to discriminate against disabled pupils and their admissions and exclusions, education and associated services’.

Schools and Academies must:

  • not treat disabled pupils less favourably; and
  • take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage (the ‘reasonable adjustment duty’)