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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support

The social, emotional and mental health development of your child will be monitored by the Class Teacher on a daily basis, through observation and discussion.  It is especially vital that parents and school work closely when supporting pupils.  Warden House encourages parents to access support and pass on information quickly. 

When there are on-going areas of concern the school will run a Boxall Screen which will look at all elements of a child’s well-being and allow us to target key areas swiftly and with the biggest impact. 

Support is also provided by our Family Liaison Officer, Rebecca Brady, who will be able to support families in addition to talking to pupils in a 1:1 situation.   In addition we also run Rainbow Club at lunch time, playground buddies and social skill groups, for pupils who need support. 

Access to these supportive strategies does not necessarily mean that your child will be entered on the SEN register, however their progress will be monitored by all adults.