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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

How are Parents Consulted?

Parental involvement is identified as having the biggest impact on your child’s learning and well being, which is why at Warden House we believe that your support is vital.  You will be made aware of your child’s learning journey via their Class Teacher either by an informal meeting or through a more detailed discussion at Parent's Evening.  

If there is a specific concern, or your child is already supported by an outside agency you might be contacted directly by the SENCO.  If your child is entered on the SEN register you will be sent termly letters detailing the support that your child is receiving and their targets.  This ensures that you are fully aware of your child’s input and can support your child meeting these targets at home. 

In addition there is a form for you to reply to this letter where you and your child can add a comment.  If your child is receiving support from the school but is not on the schools SEN register your child’s class teacher will discuss the provision at parent’s evenings or an appointment can be made if required.

If your child has an Education Health Care Plan and/or High Needs Funding you will be invited to attend regular meetings with the SENCo and Class Teacher to updat and monitor progress.