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Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

Warden House Primary School

  • Successful
  • Positive
  • Determined
  • Independent
  • Responsible

Key Information

Pupil Premium

This details the additional funding that we receive to support eligible children and how we plan to spend this across the year. 

  • Please click here to view our current Pupil Premium and Recovery Strategy Document including the review of the previous academic year's objectives.

Sports Premium

  • Please click here to review our reviewed Sports Premium Strategy document 2022-23.
  • Please click here to view our current Sports Premium Strategy document 2023-24.

This details the additional funding that we receive to support sports provision for all groups of pupils across the school.


  • Please click here to view our most recent OFSTED report.
  • Please visit Parent View - the OFSTED Parent View website where you can give your views regarding the quality of education here at Warden House. 

School Performance Data

  • Please click here to view the latest DfE (Department for Education) school performance tables.

Equalities Information

Click here to view our Trust Equality Statement Document containing further information and our long term strategy and objectives.